We know, we know. It’s been a while….Well, Julie’s been gone. Which means upon her return the food cabinets and refrigerator were empty –minus peanut butter and mac & cheese, the shower needed to be cleaned -badly, paperwork had to be caught up on….and the blog needed some attention.
It might be hard to grasp the fact that Matt found little time to do a blogpost while Julie was gone, as we all know it is his favorite activity, but he must have had his hands full with all the extra work (ha!), his birth father visiting and of course, coping with his wife being half-a-world away…or something.
Anyway, a synopsis:
-Julie and another PCV friend, Tina flew out of Jamaica, en route to Johannesburg, South Africa March 30.
-They met up with Julie’s friend from Alaska, Linnaea in Johannesburg. Linnaea’s currently living in Lusaka, Zambia on a medical scholarship.
-J, T, and L rented a car for the first week and traveled through South Africa and Mozambique.
-The second week J, T, and L flew to Lusaka and spent a week hanging out in Zambia’a capital city, followed by taking a trip down to Victoria Falls for the weekend.
-The final week J & T parted ways with L, and traveled back down through Botswana en route to Johannesburg for their flight back to Jamaica, partaking in such things as a safari, a mokoro (traditional dug-out canoe) trip, and dining with Botswana PCVs along the way.
-J and T flew out of Johannesburg on Thursday April 21 and were back alongside their wonderfully supportive husbands Friday, April 22.
-Here are some pictures of their adventure: