Rain, rain, rain, rain. It’s been raining non-stop since Saturday morning. Well, maybe not quite non-stop. It stops raining for a few hours every day. Flash flood, mudslide, and tropical cyclone warnings have all been issued this week, serving as a reminder that June 1st marks the official beginning of Hurricane season. Don’t worry, I’m safe and sound in our little, bomb-shelter of a home. Aside from getting stuck at another Volunteer’s site for an extra night due to impassable roads (hardly a punishment), and being cooped up all day, life still goes on, barely. I knew spending all those weeks at our humble Alaskan cabin would someday pay off. If you think you’d go stir crazy being cooped up here for a week, trying spending freeze-up on the Tatonduk River. Weeks in the middle of the Alaskan winter, unable to travel, your nearest neighbor 2 hours away, no internet, no phone, no TV, no electricity. Just you, your husband, 10 dogs :), and a 15 x 25 ft log home. They don’t call it cabin fever for nothing.
Anyway, back to the real reason I’m writing this post. I thought I’d share with you one of my bi-monthly routines. Getting my toenails painted! Now, I don’t wear make-up, nor do I brush my hair (don’t tell anybody), or blow my budget on new clothes, but once every month or two I get my toenails painted here in Jamaica. It’s fun, cheap, and duh, I’m trying to integrate… ALL the women here do it. Plus, this is one of the ways you meet those cool people you’d never meet otherwise, like Scean who does my nails here in Accompong. Just so everyone is clear, Scean hand paints the design. It is not a sticker or some other cheap shortcut. It’s just pure talent. And all for 3 bucks.
(I also decided to throw in some fun hair pics too…seemed applicable.)