Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Recap: Reggae Marathon

The only Jamaican marathon is held every December in Negril, and it has become somewhat of a tradition for Peace Corps Jamaica to participate and support this event. It includes a 10k, a half-marathon, and a marathon. This year Julie decided to run the 10k. Matt did not sit idly by, but rather was an active supporter. So active in fact, that every time Julie would go out to run, Matt would accompany by bike…4 times a week for 2 months, usually at 6am. And so supportive, that he woke up as well at 4:30 on Dec 3 to make it in time for the 5:15am race start. The race was a lot of fun, and although a 10k is by no means epic, but sharing the training and race experience with other PCVs was a great bonding experience.
the REAL housewives of Peace Corps Jamaica | G81


  1. Hi:

    Really nice re-cap of Reggae Marathon 2011. Nice pictures as well. I shared it with Reggae Marathon fans on our Facebook page. Glad you enjoyed the race weekend.

  2. Nice re-cap. I infact did meet a couple of peace corps too doing the 10k. Good stuff!
