Sunday, October 24, 2010

Project #2- Book Club

       One of the relatively successful ‘projects’ that we’ve started in Accompong is the Accompong Children’s Book Club (Grades 1-6). It’s primarily Julie’s project although Matt assists in many ways.      Book Club takes place every Tuesday after school and is open to any Primary School student who can behave themselves during our meetings. The goal of the book club is to encourage reading for pleasure at a young age. Largely due to illiteracy and lack of resources (i.e. books), the idea of reading for pleasure is minimal in Accompong.
     Book Club members take a different book home each week, assuming that they’ve returned the book (in proper condition) they took home the week before. Each member is asked to read their book before the next meeting, whether this means reading it themselves, or having it read to them by someone else, usually Matt or myself –something we encourage.
     If the member has read their book and returns it in good condition, they get to add a new sticker to their chart. And IF the member fills all 10 slots on the chart –that’s ten weeks of reading-, they get a small prize!
During each meeting I pick a president, and a king/queen. The president’s role is to oversee/lead the meeting (i.e. call the meeting to order, welcome new members, remind members to behave :), ‘big up’ readers, etc.). The king and queen are chosen to sit on the author’s throne individually and present the book they read that week to the club.
     We also have a book read-aloud to the group. Lately it’s been read by Matt, however, I’m working on the idea of having ‘guest readers’ from the community come in and read. This is my favorite part of our meetings. These kids are bouncing off the walls when they get to club. But, without fail, as soon as someone starts to read to them, a miracle happens… they’re quiet… they’re still… and they pay attention. This reaffirms my belief in the need for children to be read to.
     The book club is growing with each passing week, and last week we had 28 kids show up for the meeting. I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to see all the children get SO excited to take home a book each week. They constantly refer to their book/book club when they see me. After walking home after our Tuesday meetings, it’s not uncommon to see the kids sharing their new book with their parents, or to see the parents looking through the book themselves.
     Many of the kids seem to carry the books with them everywhere they go. One of the best mental snapshots I have is of Tiandra, one of our book club members, at recess, licking from her just-bought ice cream cone in one hand while clutching her week’s book in the other. I have to admit that part of me cringed, knowing the wear and tear that occurs with such usage –especially because books were such a limited commodity in Accompong before we got here*. But the other part of me, smiled giddily watching her carry her book around, much like many other children will carry around their favorite stuffed animal or blankie. It really hit me what it’s like to grow up without access to libraries, that to a young child seem to be filled with limitless books.

*We have already said it to many of you individually, but would like to say it here publicly. To all who sent us books: Thank you, especially with heartfelt gratitude from the kids in Accompong. Please know that those books are being loved, appreciated, and cherished the way that books should be.

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