Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Momma Visit

       So it’s been a while….things are still going well, it’s just been a BUSY few weeks.
       Julie caught the flu and was out for a week, which of course entailed Matt waiting on her hand and foot, setting him back a week as well.
       Then Julie’s mom, Pam, came to visit for a week.
       Last week we had a Peace Corps conference Friday and Saturday, and PC staff arranged for us to dine with a US Embassy family on Thursday for Thanksgiving. Although we felt like royalty at the Embassy family’s home, and it’s always wonderful catching up with other PCVs, life still went on work-wise as Jamaicans don’t exactly celebrate Thanksgiving.
       Anyway, we’re back into the swing of things –that is until our good friend Heidi comes to visit in a week and half :).

       We’ve included a slide show of images from Pam’s trip…so you can see exactly how 'busy' we were while she was here :).

1 comment:

  1. Interesting photos. I am not familiar with Picasa Web Albums; is it possible to label the photos so we can appreciate what we are looking at?
