Thursday, May 19, 2011

What We Do...Now

I bet most of you wonder what it is that we actually do lately…well, a little bit of everything. Matt and I really run the gamut in the types of projects we have gotten involved with or have taken on. It seems to be always changing, but here’s a list of the ‘projects’ that fill our days right now:
Accompong Maroon Junior Council. This is a group we helped to create of 8 young adults in Accompong who do grassroots community development. AMJC has more or less become the cornerstone of our PC service.

Computer Class/Health and Family Life Education- 3 days/week Julie teaches Computers and HFLE to grades 7-9 at the Jr. High School.
Farmer’s Co-op- Matt has been assisting with this JACOM enabled project. Primarily it is a organic coffee program with a guaranteed market back in the US.

Internet Café/Library- As administrators, Matt has played the lead role in the implementation of this grant and project. The building has been refurbished, and now we’re working towards sustainability as we train others to fill the administrative roles we do.
Other JACOM initiatives- JACOM always has a number of other random projects that we help with… right now, we are individually providing guidance to scholarship students, Julie’s helping facilitate the overall functioning of the scholarship/mentor program, and Matt’s developing a soccer ‘club’, inspired by donated jerseys.

Book Club- You should know about this by now….

Herbal Garden Hut and other SPA projects- SPA is a small USAID PC grant that we can apply for as PCVs. We did this with the Herbal Garden Hut, and as this project is wrapping up, we’re developing another project (more on this later….)

Water/Waste/Parade Grounds- Matt is always got a bunch of random, what I’ll call ‘Big Picture’ items on his agenda. A sustainable and reliable water system, community-wide garbage disposal, and revamping the Parade Grounds are some of the projects his regularly chipping away at.

VAC/SPA/PCMI- These are the other random things we do, aside from our ‘community development’ work at site. They’re all worth mentioning because these commitments also fill lots of our time. (Volunteer Advisory Committee –Matt, Small Project Assistance- Julie, and Peace Corps Master’s International- Julie)

MISC- Because in PC world, the miscellaneous category is always part of the job.
Sports Day

Got it?

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