Friday, July 15, 2011

Cockpit Country

Maybe some of you are waiting for us to blog about our recent trip back to the States… and that will come in time. (We’re currently swamped with our summer Culture Camp which takes place during the next two weeks.) However, we wanted to do a quick, but important blogpost for our friend Bart.

Bart, a former PCV, is still in Jamaica trying to continue on the work he was doing as a PCV, but on his own funds. He’s currently undertaken a video documentary project that highlights Cockpit Country, which is a beautiful and unique part of Jamaica that includes our community, Accompong. I could tell you all about it, but Bart does a much better job on his website, which also includes a video explaining what he’s trying to do.

Why are we telling you about this?
#1: Cockpit Country is currently where we call home, and the preservation of the land and the people who live here is so important.
#2: Because Bart is staying on his own funds, he’s asking for financial support from others to help him stay in Jamaica and finish this project.

So we’re asking all of you, to please, at the very least, click on this link and spend 1 minute checking out this website.

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