Friday, November 4, 2011

Benefits to PCVing in Jamaica (in no certain order)

We’ve shared about many of the struggles that we have here in Jamaica, and probably haven’t shared too much about the benefits of being a PCV in Jamaica. Keeping with our last blogpost, we thought we’d highlight of few of the plusses to PCVing on The Rock. This is by no means comprehensive, but here’s a quick list:

1. Connectedness with other Volunteers- We mentioned this in the last post, but every Volunteer is one convenient and free(!) phone call (or text) away. Because of our relatively close proximity to one another, we probably go on average 2 weeks without seeing another Volunteer –and we’re some of the most rural PCVs in Jamaica. This varies among Volunteers, but I feel 2 weeks is probably the overall average.

2. Visitors- Jamaica is not only a desirable location for many of our friends and family to visit, but it’s also close and affordable. We’ve had 4 sets of visitors so far, and are expecting another 3 before we leave. PCVs LOVE visitors!

3. Traveling Home- We’ve been able to travel home quickly and affordably. There’s some debate over whether or not it’s good for a PCV’s mentality to travel home during service, but WE really enjoyed ourselves. Also, life at home still continues, and there have been many JPCVs who had to travel home unexpectedly or suddenly for one reason or another.

4. Landscape- Jamaica is a very beautiful country. The lushness and the beaches, the brightly-colored buildings and countless birds…..

5. Nice weather- Two years of shorts and flip-flops! It does get hot and humid here, and we SO miss having seasons, but overall we can’t complain. We were recently reminded of this a few weeks ago after having a conversation with RPCVs from Armenia as they recounted endless weeks of always being cold, being confined to your bed and the warmth blankets could provide, chipping ice off the shower head before bathing,…yikes!

6. Good food- Yes, we have little variety here compared to the overabundance of what’s available in the average American supermarket, and we do get sick of fried chicken, but compared to many other developing countries, we’ve got it made. The food that Jamaicans cook is pretty tasty, and the uncooked food –fruit hanging on every other tree is unbeatable….

(more soon come….)

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