Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

As JPCVs, we get together often for certain events (outside of PC-organized conferences and meetings), such as American holidays like Halloween. When I say often, I mean once ever couple months or so. Although this island can seem very small sometimes, one benefit is that you can reach any part of the island in one day’s journey taking public transportation. Sometimes this journey starts at 6am and ends after dark, and it can be rather painful, but for PCVs serving in much bigger countries with limited transportation, this is a gift.

Considering that PC has been in Jamaica for almost 50 years, and that Jamaica is a tourist destination, JPCVs have a small list of accommodations and attractions that either provide PCV discounts, or some way or another can fit into the PCV budget. The place we stayed this last weekend provided both, a PCV discount and a rather large house that normally sleeps 11 in which we slept 30. (As a PCV, you’re not picky about where you lay your head, as long as you have somewhere to lay it.)

Thirdly, I think we’re pretty well connected compared to other PC posts. We all have cellphones, which isn’t too rare these days for PCVs (roughly 90% of PCVs everywhere have one), but we also have a CUG (Closed User Group), in which we can call anyone in JPC world –staff and volunteers- for free! This is rare. Of the handful of PCVs I’ve met serving elsewhere, none of them have this, nor know of other posts that have this. AND they’re way jealous. Lucky us! As a result, we’re able to stay linked to PCVs throughout the island with no cost to our pockets. Most of us also have regular internet connection. I don’t know of any JPCV who is unable to access their email at least once a week, without great inconvenience.

As a result, we’re able to have fun get-togethers, like Halloween this last weekend.

(P.S. Matt was a party Ref, and Julie was a market woman.)

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